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The process of finding a job can be a stressful experience. It’s essential to take care of yourself during the process and engage in activities that allow you to relax. Participating in self-care practices like meditation, deep breathing exercises and journaling can help reduce stress and keep you in the right direction throughout the process.

A second tip is to thoroughly study companies prior to applying for an employment. This will help you avoid the heartache of having to sit through an interview only to find that the company’s culture or working procedures aren’t suitable for your needs. Researching a company is done by examining their social media and website pages, online reviews and contacting former or current employees.

Make sure that your LinkedIn profile is current and is in line with your resume. Employers will often check the applicant’s LinkedIn profile before hiring them, so ensure that your profile is in order.

Don’t be shy to declare that you’re looking for a job. It’s a great way to connect with potential employers. According to some experts, 70% to 80% of jobs are filled by networking. You can do this by posting on social media, contacting friends from the past and renewing old connections. Employing a career coach can help you to gain clarity and remain motivated throughout the process.

In the end, there isn’t one right way to find a job. It’s best to take the time to review your approach and experiment with new techniques from time to see what works for you.